Thursday, December 17, 2009

Memories may fade as the years go by but they won’t age a day!!!

When it hurts to look back and you are scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there. I still remember the good old day when we roam and enjoy the life without caring, and the aimless wandering of the mind!

But dear friend, life is not that easy as Himesh aptly put in his recent movie “Radio” that life is complicated and trust me it really is.

During the last two years of my College life, Life has taught me many invaluable lessons.Proxies, manipulation, grit, hard work, passion, emotions, conflicts, sleepless nights. We have been there and done that. I just want to share the journey of life through the pages of Time.

Setting: Proposed Visit to Tirupati, Pondicherry, Mahabalipuram, Chennai.

Constraints: Time, Money, Managing Grades, and Attendance and Temperament of group members.

Date-23/12/08.Place IBS Hyderabad.

I still remember that fateful day when due to some disturbances in the City all the public transport was stopped and we started our journey in a manner that we all will remember for the rest of our lives!

We reached the station barely on time, if it was for even a minute late our plan would have gone for a toss. So this is how our journey began, but as we say, now we have to reframe it-As Aamir Khan says,” All is well”. So enough of a gyaan, we all happily boarded and reached our first destination albeit as per schedule. But no matter how much planning you do, things will turn out the way you would least expect them to be, I mean Murphy Law at its best. The accommodations that we had booked had been taken over by some some unscheduled visit of VIP’s our so called Netas.No concern for the common Man.

But we are not the one who will get bogged down so easily. So on a fresh note we started our journey again and it yielded the desired results. After paying a visit to Lord Venkateshwara at temple town of Tirupati, our gang the so called “APNA GANG” set it sight for the other greener pasture which would be none other than the happening place called Pondicherry. We reached on Christmas Eve and Partied till late night at the French Colony. Then the visit to the Auroville was a real eye opener .The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity. The Matrimandir is a peace lover Paradise!!!

Gradually the fatigue took everybody in and so the discord is about to began among the group. We realize this very late and by that time group is already divided among two factions. And as if luck is on our hand we have two mediator which have kept the group united in such adversity and thereon we as an individual realize the meaning an importance of friendship, and things about being mature and to be flexible enough to accommodate other people wishes who are part of your group and then the buzzword was group consensus.

Thus in the end it is not the destination that count but the journey which matter!!!